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Friday, January 11, 2008

Exception Handler Class -- Exhandler.cs

ExHandler.cs is used to handle SOAP Exceptions that may be encountered when making Cognos service requests.  The ExHandler.cs class allows you to display a meaningful error message to the end user.  It captures the severity, error code, message and details of the exception that has been encountered.  These values are appended and returned as a string.


This is example code to capture the Exception’s severity.


/// Return the exception severity. ///

public string Severity{


            XmlNode severityNode = exSoap.Detail.SelectSingleNode( "//severity");

                  if (severityNode != null)


                        return severityNode.InnerText;



return "";







Your web solution should have all of it’s TRY-CATCH statements updated in order to reference the functionality ExHandler.cs class file.  You would simply have to instantiate the object in your updated Catch statements.


ExHandler exCognos = new ExHandler(exSoap);



Here is a more detailed example showing the updated Catch statement and appending a string object with the full exception message.




                        _cmService = new contentManagerService1();

                        _rptService = new reportService1();


                        _dispC8 = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CognosDispatcher"];

                        _NmSpace = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CNmspace"];

                        _Pwd = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CTSpwd"];

                        _Uid = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CTSuid"];

                        _CSTypePkg = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CSTypePkg"];

                        _CSTypeRpt = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CSTypeRpt"];


                        _cmService.Url = _dispC8;

                        _rptService.Url = _dispC8;


                        _cogSDK = new CognosSDK();


                        _cogSDK.CognosLogon(_cmService,_NmSpace,_Uid, _Pwd);

                        _rptService.biBusHeaderValue = _cmService.biBusHeaderValue;



                  catch (SoapException exSoap)


                        ExHandler exCognos = new ExHandler(exSoap);

                        _ErrMsg = exCognos.Details + " :-: " + exCognos.Message +  " :-: " + exCognos.Severity +  " :-: " + exCognos.ErrorCode;


                  catch (Exception ex)


                        _ErrMsg = ex.Message.ToString();
